By Al Bronzini, June 8th 2019

At the 10th annual George Mark Children’s House Bocce tournament at the Adobe Park
‘Four Paesanos’, Jim Cookalini, Bruce Tobia, Rich De Luca, and Al Bronzini made a spectacular come back victory over Gene’s dream & ten other teams to win.
Second place went to the Gene’s Dream’, who lead the entire day before falling to Four Paesanos in a double elimination shoot out. Following in third place was last year’s winners, Bocce Brothers.
Doing double duty as Lead Official and Tournament Direc-tor was Max Martin. Once again, his wife, Emma, handled registration and scoring. Jim Pineo and Matt Porter helped with the officiating and man-aged to avoid controversies.
A lunch of assorted pizzas, salad and desserts was served to all who participated. Thanks to Joann Dianda who, thou not at the event, do to health concerns in the family, worked on getting the pizza for lunch. Thanks also to those that Al calls, ‘the CV bocce ladies’, who ran the lunch.. A special thank you to everyone who supported the tournament with financial contributions
Between the fee to play, donations and the contributions we were able to solicit, just under $3,500 was made for the good works of the George Mark House. Well Done all!

Al with Shannon Beatty, physicians liaison for the George Mark Children's House. Above right: The angels who laid out the wonderful luncheon. Right: Yoos Guys AGAIN! Four Paesanos make it (by my count) 3 out of 4 years. Second place Gene's Dream and 3rd place winners Bocce Brothers.
Thank you for your help in making the 10th. annual Ken Martin George Mark Children’s House bocce tournament a big success. We raised $3,470.00 to help make the world a bit brighter for terminally ill children and their families. Whetherit was preparing the courts , organizing the food, buying lunch, monetary contributions, entry fees, refereeing, or managing the score table each and every contribution was important and appreciated. If you were not able to participate you will have another opportunity In September at the annual Ken Martin big salami shoot. Let’s all pull together and make it another big win for the kids.
Thank you! Al Bronzini
Another Big Thanks from the George Mark Children's House…...
Dear Mr. Al Bronzini, We are grateful for your support of George Mark Children's House through gifts in kind. These donations, each unique and personal, assist us in providing life-affirming and compassionate care to children and families coping with life-limiting illnesses. We gratefully acknowledge receipt of the following from you on 12/6/2018 with the value you have designated as approx. $1,000.00: Toys for Candy Cane Lane and Wrapping Supplies Every child is special and celebrated at George Mark Children's House. The excellent care provided is life changing, allowing medically-fragile children and their families to be together in a homelike, supportive, and nurturing environment. We combine all the facets of pediatric palliative care: specialized symptom management, clear and sensitive communication, and psycho social and spiritual counsel. In addition, we offer much needed respite for families of children with complex medical needs. Here at George Mark Children's House, children can play, and enjoy activities designed just for them, and delivered by compassionate staff and volunteers. Thank you for being a supporter of our children and families. Your gift to George Mark is deeply appreciated and, with your contribution, we will continue to meet our goal of enabling each child we serve to live his or her life to the fullest.
Warm Regards, Ken Sommer Director of Advancement
George Mark Children's House